Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Social Interaction - Way To Boost Your Web Site

Surveys have confirmed that the main growth in the use of the Internet is in the area of "networking". Connecting people is a significant part of the Internet through use of web sites to discuss things with like-minded people.

Until recently, the only way of being connected was via email. That is mostly one-to-one and has inherent delays. Nowadays, you can share text, audio and video using social networking sites. These are not one-to-one, but many-to-many and are also immediate. Groups of like-minded people are getting together, swapping information and passing on useful ideas and products.

But for those people trying to earn money online, it's good to understand the fact that there is this essential human need for people to interconnect when online. If your business web site doesn't have any means of interconnection, you are less likely to attract the modern Internet user, who sees interaction as fundamental. No longer can your business rely on a support email address or a "contact us" form.

These days you need to allow your web site visitors to interact with you AND with each other. That means you need a forum, for instance, or at the very least a blog where people can comment on what you've written. You could also do with the ability for people to add content to your web site, such as articles, images or video clip. Such features in a business web site will help create a sense of belonging, of identity.

In the future a good business web site will be one where a community of people meet together to discuss what the business offers. Internet users in the modern broadband connected world want interactivity. If your web site doesn't offer some kind of interactive feature, you will lose out to competing web sites that do.

TeemingPod is one such a way to allow people to interact with YOU and other site visitors. It is a platform that helps you embed powerful social interactions right inside a web page. It allows people to interact in various forms like discussions, doing a poll, sharing useful links etc. It also has a cool looking user interface to attract more visitors to use it.

To know how TeemingPod helps sizzle up your website, check out this post.
To know how TeemingPod helps add interaction to your site, visit our website or view demo.

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